When is a gift worth giving?
Is it the cost that merits importance?
Or the thought that counts
And the spirit of sharing that gives its substance?
Is it the cost that merits importance?
Or the thought that counts
And the spirit of sharing that gives its substance?
I was really happy that I chanced upon these beauties!!! In spite of the pending snow storm looming ahead, my mom, my daughter and I, went to this Chinese store to find some not so expensive Christmas gifts for friends and relatives. I know, I know, I’m a bit of a procrastinator. I should have done my Christmas shopping a long time ago. I did try and I’m not so satisfied to what I have seen. This time it is different. I saw …. “Cinderellas”!!!! That is not a grammar mistake; I am meaning to say multiple Cinderella. I saw these little Ballerinas that have hooks for heads and arms. It’s a bit gross but the hooks were used to hold jewelries. It gave me this great idea. So, I bought 6 Ballerinas and called them my Little Cinderellas! I have asked my mother and my daughter to help me in a little quest. We will turn these Ballerinas to beautiful Princesses. 
The quest began. With a small trip to the Textile store for bits and pieces of fabrics and some glass beads we went home and started. My mom is the head Fairy Godmother here. She handles all the sawing and approves all design proposals. My daughter and I were just her assistants and in charge of the glue gun. Although during the session of transforming these little Ballerinas, my daughter has decided to design her own fashion style. It was a lot of work but fun and fulfilling. We were like playing with Barbies! It took us until 3AM to finish everything.
Here are the fruits of our Labor!! Our own Princesses all dressed up for the Ball. I like all of them although my daughter says her creation has the most original and modern style. Hers was the Princess with the green ribbon around her waist. But it’s not a beauty contest! All of them are work of art!
Now these … are gifts worth giving!
Now these … are gifts worth giving!
These are all exquisitely charming. You are incredibly talented.
Maraming salamat. I am very proud of them and I'm looking forward to the next opportunity to make more.
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