When my relatives arrived from vacation back home, one of the “pasalubong” (souvenir) we got is this wonderful 2008 Calendar. It was a collection of Joey Velasco’s artwork. It’s the first time I’ve heard about this painter. So, I was off to the internet to look for him. He was a young man indeed but very very artistic. He is not just an ordinary artist. For me he is an artist with a spiritual and patriotic heart. He had brought into his paintings his faith in God and his love to the Filipino people. Each artwork touches the heart of the beholder. I know for it has touched mine. Each painting has a Title and a short commentary which is equally moving.
More information about the artist can be found on this link :
I will try to post about the painting each month to ponder on the message of each work of art.
Pagkakasubsob , 2005. Oil on canvas, 60x48
This painting is more than just about falling down. Picture a humble God who draws strength from a heavy fall; he allows a powerless and insignificant child to nurse his wound, to love him. A sign of weakness? Christ knows about a different strength. He allows people to love him. This painting is about being humbled and awed at the same time. It is about allowing others to give us a lift when we fall and feel weak. And as the paint dries and hardens on my canvas, it teaches me how to
soften my stance and tenderize the soul. Sometimes, all I need is a good cry.
Joey VelascoPardon the picture. Better ones are in the above mentioned site.
Joey Velasco.. I heard him once over the radio being interviewed by Jimmy Licauco. He talked about what inspired him to paint "hapag ng pag-asa" and he's a pretty articulate guy. There was a time when everytime I passed by Don Bosco Makati on my way home, I looked at the reproduction of that painting. Its a disturbing piece of art. But I guess that's J. Velasco's message. To make a difference by rendering unforgettable paintings.
That is the painting featured on the month of January. Hmmmm... it sure looks like the last supper isn't it? Twelve kids and Jesus in the middle.
Well... i've always thought in my mind that Jesus is always with the poor. Much more with the poor children. And these paintings have captured and reanimated it so amazingly.
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